Thinking Forward

I wanted to make the game's page less cluttered, so I'm moving  planned updates over here. Additionally, if you need help with the game I have uploaded two different walkthrough text files. I hope it helps, and thanks again for checking out Lu:Cid.

Planned Updates (for the longterm, in no particular order):

-More worlds, more effects, more cats! I intend not only to fill up the empty worlds, but to expand them all in every direction. This will take a long time, but I hope you'll stay tuned.

-The entirety of Jekyll & Hyde will be properly formatted so that it can be read in-game.

-More (public domain) books. A book is, in many ways, like a dream, don't you think? It's a little experimental, and has no planned impact on gameplay, so feel free to ignore this feature. It's just a diversion. I might also make books unlockable/collectible, perhaps, but I'm not decided.

-Change the current way music works in the bookshelf by having a music selection menu, which I've seen scripts for.

-Tarot card reading system will be implemented. Readings will be conducted like combat, and the "enemy" cards will yield abstract concepts as item drops. This is inspired somewhat by the story progression in games like Fallen London. Good cards may influence good things to happen in the dream, bad cards may influence bad things to happen. The idea is: based on how Cid interprets the cards (understood by the item drops) they can become more hopeful, allowing them to dream more lucidly and affect desired outcomes, or they can become discouraged and lose control, and their dreams will become more hostile. These items will be, by and large, "pulled" from the inventory during relevant scenes, which is to say you will not be prompted to use it, if you have it at the right time the game will take it from you. They are limited use and will be expended. In this way, the tarot interpretations will be largely unobtrusive to gameplay. They can be seen in the inventory, but when they are used requires no player input. If it is the first time experiencing an area, and you have a relevant interpretation in your inventory, you might not even realize that you are experiencing an out of the ordinary, item-dependent event until you check your inventory or revisit the area without the item.

-Once the major arcana is fully implemented, I would like to add the minor arcana.

-Graphical improvements. Tilesets and sprites were sometimes rushed for the jam, and could benefit from some polish. Aesthetically, I feel most of the game is wanting; it's not pretty. I want it to be pretty.

-Hunger mechanic, possibly. I initially planned on this but have questioned how fun it would be in practice.

-A sort of "quest" line involving a missing nexus witch.

-Reduced overall jankiness.

Known Issues to Fix:

-When using the bookshelf, the actor transformation from Cid's sprite to pointer/cursor is not as quick as the area transition, which is to say it lags.

-The effected can only be used in the equipment menu, and cannot be equiped from the item menu? I don't know if I can fix this but I want to try. It's a pain.

-Disable movement when opening pictures. As it is right now, you can move while viewing a picture and place yourself out of reach of the event which removes the picture, and since there's a picture in the way of the screen you have to blindly find your way back.

Let me know if there are any other issues!

This will all take a long time, and updates will be sporadic, especially once I start school again. Your patience is appreicated greatly!

Get Lu:Cid

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